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Insectivore Feeding Cycle
Use EarthPro-A at every feed and on all food items, CalciumPro Mg at every 4th feed, a quality full-spectrum powder with D3 and A can be offered at feed 6 or 8. We then carry on with this cycle. ShedSupport can be as directed over the shedding period. InsectiGold can be offered as part of the full and varied diet at up to 60% of the total diet, depending on species.
- EarthPro-A
- CalciumPro Mg
- ReVitaliseD3
- ShedSupport (as required)
Species include:
Bearded Dragon
Leopard Gecko
Bosc Monitor
Mountain Horned Dragon
Frilled Dragon
Eyed Lizard
Large Chameleon
Water Dragon
Dwarf Monitor (‘Ackie’)
Tokay Gecko
House Gecko
Small Skinks